Real Estate News – February News!

More than half of the largest real estate markets in Canada see double-digit price growth as national home values soar 9.7% in fourth quarter

How we are Helping to Stop the Spread

ROYAL LEPAGE TEAM REALTY STANDS WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD TO END THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 As a devoted member and essential service in Ottawa and Surrounding Area, Royal LePage Team Realty and our agents have been working hard to end the spread of COVID-19 while remaining mindful of the changing needs and expectations […]

O Canada – Bring Some Canadian Style Home

Every July, Canadian’s come together to celebrate our amazing country but now that the fireworks are over, you can show your Canadian pride at home. There are many options for decor that is truly Canadian; whether it’s iconic and historic brands or patterns and imagery, there is something for everyone when it comes to Canadian […]

Canadianisms Around the Home

On Canada Day, we must take a moment to think about what makes us truly Canadian. Put on your thinking toque, grab a caesar, double-double, or pop, while we consider some of those truly Canadian terms that we use around the home almost every day. But fear not, there’s no need to cause a kerfuffle; […]

Ottawa's Eco-Friendly Communities to Watch

While lots of work is being done at all levels to ensure that the City of Ottawa as a whole is as eco-friendly as possible, there are a few communities that are leading the way. Everyone can make a difference, no matter where you live, but these neighbourhoods were designed with the environment in mind. […]

Little Ways to Make a Difference

10 Tips for a More Eco-Friendly Home Being eco-friendly doesn’t need to be hard or even expensive. There are little things that we can all do around the house that can have a significant impact on the environment. It doesn’t need to happen overnight but every step counts in the journey towards preserving our planet. […]

Eco-Friendly Listing of the Future

What would an eco-friendly dream home of the future look like? Here’s what we imagine! While it is great to dream, check back next week for great ideas of things that you can do in your home to make a difference. Welcome home to the eco-friendly home of your dreams! Upon first glance, this home […]

Why Summer Can Be a Great Time To List Your Home

Everyone knows spring tends to be the real estate “busy season” but that doesn’t mean that you are too late to list your home now that we are coming into summer. Summer can be a great time to list, specifically in the greater Ottawa area. Buyers purchase homes year round and there are certainly advantages […]

Post Flood 2019: What to do as the Water Recedes

In the last few weeks, parts of the Ottawa area have seen record flooding and with the water slowly receding, it’s now time to think about the next steps. Whether you are a homeowner affected directly or just want to lend a helping hand, there is still a lot that will need to be done. […]

Selling Your Home Yourself May End Up Costing You

It may seem tempting, to try and save money on commission, to sell your home yourself but it’s important to consider all the factors. In a lot of cases, sellers who choose to go this route do not come out ahead so let’s look at why.   What are You Really Saving? Let’s use as […]